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The continent of Stellagos is home to the Astrali, founded by The First after they fell from the hands of the Goddessess. Believed to be a gift from their astral mothers, Stellagos has been built in their honor and to appreciate each of the different kinds of Astrali that they created.

Over the last three hundred years since the fall of The First, Stellagos has become a bustling land full of life and exploration with several major cities and small towns that have been built to flourish.

Map of Stellagos (Click for Larger Image) [Made with Inkarnate]

Major Cities

Starhaven is the capital of Stellagos and is where all types of Astrali intermingle. It is also the home of the biggest market named Starlight Commons.

Scorchaven used to be the largest city in all of Stellagos before the events of Odum's Hunt. Now it is the home of the Clovun Astrali, as they are the only ones who are able to survive the harsh conditions.

The hub and home of the Artificial Astrali, Chromena is built on some of the most mineral rich lands in all of Stellagos.

Whirlpool Harbor
As the only underwater civilization in all of Stellagos, it is one of the trickiest yet awe-inspiring locations in Stellagos to visit and the home of the Cetun Astrali.

Built in the crevice's and hollow center of the largest tree on Kunvadis is the Beastion Astrali home.

Nestled deep in the mountain caves and guarding the only safe path to the frozen tundra is the city of Embercall, inhabited majorly by Laminon Astrali.

The reclusive home of the Quillian Astrali may seem closely connected to its neighbors, but it is one of the most distant cities in Stellagos.


The Burnt Prairie
The forever scarred remains of a once luscious prairie, now filled with dry grass and harsh climates.

The Mineral Expanse
The foothills of Stellagos, filled with mineral deposits and an abundance of potential.

Cetun Bay
The underwater farmland and playground for the Cetun Astrali.

Leviathan's Abyss
The deepest reaches of Stellagos that is filled with deadly and terrifying creatures.

Exile's Glacier
The harshest cold region of the continent that is often referred to as a place of punishment.

Covenboro Atoll
A collection of islands that reflect several areas on the main landmass, but on a smaller scale.

Fergan Steppe
The flourishing center of Stellagos that is filled with rich soil and strong roots.

The Primeval Wild
The mysterious and often treacherous jungle that only the bravest can navigate.

Radgar Mountains
The mountain divide between the thriving south and the freezing north that holds untold caves and mysteries.

Molten Gulf
An almost intolerable stretch of water that is an oversized hot spring.

Midafait Peninsula
The training grounds for both magic users and Ophithana hunters alike.

Silverfalcon Caps
The cold landscape of snow and ice that few can endure to inhabit.

stellagos.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 18:26 by pallet