Table of Contents
As the most prominent species on Stellagos, the Astrali have demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability, spreading themselves far and wide across the land over the last few hundred years since the initial fall of The First.
It is said that three hundred years ago, the goddesses Zenta, Iphion, and Emasis came together in the star system above Kunvadis from worlds scattered across an endless universe. Though how they ended up together is still debated between researchers and clerics, some of The First have been able to accurately chronicle their journey from their fall from their guided hands. After being formed by Zenta's guiding hands, given a soul by Iphion, and given individual thought by Emasis, the Astrali are sent down to Kunvadis in the form of falling stars, their combined power protecting their creation through the fall until they carefully land where the goddesses believe their stories should begin. Sometimes, an Astrali's arrival will be to a parent or parents who wish for a young Astrali to raise, or other times, they will land in the wilds to find their own way through the world.
In today's Stellagos, the Astrali, driven by their unique desire for adventure, have spent the last three hundred years building civilizations far beyond what The First could dream of. Their quest for the unknown has sent them in every direction, searching for their home and a place that they could discover before anyone else.
Thanks to the notebooks of travelers and cartographers, the subspecies of Astrali have been able to chart where most of their kinds come from when they are not given to parents. This research has led to the creation of several significant hubs of civilization around these common landing points on Stellagos.
Since The First, the Astrali anatomy has adapted based on their origin and the need to survive the varying climates of Stellagos. An Astrali's sensitive nostrils help them better scent and scan their surroundings when eyesight fails them, marking it as one of their most potent senses alongside their eyesight. With the ability to see several miles ahead of them to help avoid unwanted conflict on the paths they travel or to see any potential misgivings to their trajectory, it is tough to sneak up on an Astrali. Their legs, in both Traveling form and Stellian form, are filled with muscle that allows them to walk or run for hours on end through nearly any terrain.
Astrali's teeth represent that of an omnivorous species, with sharper canines and rounded-off molars and incisors. The lower set of teeth is mostly flat except for the bottom canines, which are slightly pointed to assist the upper canines in tearing through more challenging materials. However, where their canines stop, these flattened teeth are built to destroy complex objects like rocks and stones without so much of a chip in the dense enamel.
Despite having skin, muscle, and bones, the internal structure of an Astrali is markedly different from that of any true mortal creature, a testament to their celestial origins. Instead of consuming food for sustenance, they consume both food and magical materials to sustain their star cluster held in their Astral Core. Their unique circulatory system, constellines, connects every section of their Astral Cores, which are harder than any known material, making them not indestructible but certainly resilient.
Every Astrali has Astral Windows that allow them and others to see the health of one's star cluster, always located on the neck and chest, on the bottom of their feet, and on the side of their Traveling form. Depending on the subspecies of Astrali, the window on their feet can display differently.
Species Research
Thanks to the diligent work of researchers at the Quasar Academy in Starhaven, the following information has been found for the Astrali.
Creation: The combined power of the goddesses Zenta, Iphion, and Emasis. Artificial Astrali comes from the god Odum.
Origin: Starborn, Stellagos
Flair: High Endurance
Lifespan: 200 to ??? Years
Stellian Form Height Range: 5ft (152cm) to 6ft (183cm)
Traveling Form Height Range: 6.2ft (189cm) to 7.5ft (229cm)
Diet: Anything Magical or Natural
Form Notes: All Astrali are able to shift freely between their Traveler & Stellian forms to fit whatever needs they may need for travel or just out of preference. Though it appears that The First are like any other Astrali, they seem unable to transform into the Stellian forms that the Astrali now so frequently use. They are constantly in their Traveling form with no ability to shift, which researchers believe is due to their original quest to explore Stellagos to ensure its safety for the generations that followed after them. Though more research is needed, it is believed that thanks to the shifting gift given to the Astrali after The First, other forms to shift into may be possible.
Star Cycle Information: All Astrali come from a fallen star sent by the Goddesses to Kunvadis, where upon contact with the surface, their protective 'shell' dissolves, allowing the Nova to take its first steps in life. Regardless of whether they are raised by other Astrali or by the independence of nature, the Nova often gets itself in a lot of trouble learning their way around Stellagos and the respect of other Astrali as their Astral Core settles into the Kunvadin atmosphere. When a young Nova's Astral Core fully stabilizes around the age of 2, they often become restless as the desire for adventure overcomes their desire to stay around their landing home. This craving for adventure often leads them to their Primary Expedition, where they will leave as Nebulai while they find themselves and their place on Kunvadis. This expedition can last anywhere from a few months to several years or longer, maturing from Nebulai to Astralin along the way. Long after the completion of their expedition, an Astrali settles in a place entirely their own for the rest of their days. These Astrali are often referred to as Elders, whom many will visit for conversation or to learn more about their history. Despite being older, the Elders still have the spark to move and care for the areas they call their home and spend time keeping up with and taking care of rampaging young Nova or Nebulai. Though the upper range of an Elder's lifespan has yet to be found, the death of The First cetun Astrali Wiley Marius gave insight into what happens to an Astrali when they reach the end of their Star Cycle. Their star cluster destabilizes to the point that the star glass that encompasses their Astral Core explodes, their cluster absorbing their physical body and leaving behind a Pulsarian Bloom. This Pulsarian Bloom seems to thrive forever wherever the Astrali last left the living, no matter its environment, exhibiting colors and sometimes the echoes of solid memories of the Astrali's life to those who visit.
Subspecies: There are six different types of Astrali: Artificial, Beastion, Cetun, Clovun, Laminon, and Quillian. Though it is undiscovered what differentiates the goddess-created subspecies on their fall from the stars, the Artificial subspecies is only created from the god Odum. Their differences from the other types of Astrali seem to differentiate due to the amount of asteroid matter found in an Artificial's Astral Core star glass, which was only found upon close inspection of an Artificial in comparison to a Clovun.
Each subspecies of the Astrali has different boons and weaknesses that reflect their abilities and core strengths, giving them different kinds of Attributes that help (or hinder) them on their adventures. When they fall to Stellagos, they often are able to find themselves with an idea of who they want to be or who they are, whether that reflects on them visually or internally, giving them a theme or idea that they center themselves around.
Artificial Attributes: +2 INT, +1 DEF, -1 CHA
Natural Anomalies: Robotic Enhancements
Astral Core Intensity: 3
Artificial (Art-e-fish-al) Astrali were created by the god Odum in response to the creation of the Astrali subtypes by the goddesses. Though his motivations for creating them are still unclear, he was somehow able to pull the abilities that required
all three goddesses into one, using his own rare batches of star clusters that surrounded his asteroid belt home to pull together the Artificial Astrali by the metal and stone in the asteroids. These Artificial Astrali have become a pillar of Astralin society thanks to their innate connection with metal and stone, creating artifacts and inventions that are the beginnings of an advanced future that the natural Astrali would have never been able to harness. Thanks to the isolation of their father being imprinted on them from the refuse of his magic, they often have a difficult time finding friendship amongst their kind. Their Primary Expedition often is the shortest of their kin, as they never seem to want to travel farther than the Mineral Expanse.
Beastion Attributes: +2 STR, -2 INT
Natural Anomalies: Thick Coat, Maws
Astral Core Intensity: 1
Beastion (Bee-st-ee-un) Astrali are one of the five 'natural' subspecies of Astrali created by the goddesses, and the second to fall from their hands. Known more for their raw strength and ability to sneak through the forests of The Primeval Wild, these
wild-leaning Astrali very rarely turn to inventions or advancements beyond the natural world. They are firm believers that the world will provide what is needed to survive as the goddesses deemed Kunvadis enough to let their creations free here and are stubborn in their ways. Their defiance and strength are what give the Beastion Astrali their edge above the other subspecies, as well as their innate ability to see better in dark and dim conditions. Despite their reclusive tendencies, their curiosity often leads them beyond their natural jungles and forests to explore what else Stellagos and the goddesses' blessings have to offer.
Cetun Attributes: +2 CHA, +1 AGI -1 STR
Natural Anomalies: Fins, Scaled Skin
Astral Core Intensity: 3
Cetun (See-ton) Astrali are some of the bubbliest Astrali out there, loving conversation and making new friends. Though their home may be in the depths of the Cetun Bay and used as a defense against the monsters lurking in the Leviathan Sea, their
bustling city is one of the most culture-rich. They love all things shiny and the exploration of the ocean that only they can reach, and they are always excited to tell their tales of adventure to the landborn who cannot reach the depths that they can. These special Astrali very rarely leave the sea that they call home, but when one of the Cetun dreams of visiting dryland, they take a while to get used to the new customs that do not exist in Whirlpool Harbor. Regardless of whether they are found on land or in the sea, it is not unusual for a Cetun to carry a piece of their home with them to remind them of the comforts the water allows them and the places they left behind.
Clovun Attributes: +2 AGI, +1 CHA, -1 DEF
Natural Anomalies: N/A
Astral Core Intensity: 1
Clovun (Clove-un) Astrali were the first of the Astrali subspecies to fall from their stellar nursery, with The First Astrali Hypselle Aster. Her initial landing alongside her First siblings was within what is now called Scorchaven and despite the
change in scenery since her arrival nearly three hundred years ago, their landing spot is now home to the Clovun Astrali clans in The Burnt Prairie. As the fastest of the subspecies, the Clovun Astrali have been able to traverse and explore the continent in some of the quickest Primary Expeditions recorded. Their naturally calm and pleasant demeanors often make them the fastest friends as they travel, though their lack of any natural anomalies often makes them easy targets for predators. They often settle as farmers or researchers who travel Stellagos to study the natural world and its phenomena.
Laminon Attributes: +2 DEF, -2 AGI
Natural Anomalies: Scaled Skin, Keratin Spurs, Wings
Astral Core Intensity: 2
Laminon (Lamm-in-on) Astrali might be the slowest to venture around the continent. However, their strength and skill take over where their speed fails them. The Laminon Astrali were the fourth to fall, following the Clovun, Cetun, and Beastion Astrali. These Astrali
are usually some of the greediest, wanting to hold onto whatever they can find as some collection or keepsake that they can show off in their homes or as a part of the travel gear. Taking refuge in the Radgar Mountains, the Laminon Astrali have built into the fissured ravine in the mountain to create their home in Embercall, a place where they can take refuge in the natural cool air of the mountain while also enjoying the streams of light and travelers that pass by to trade with them. Laminon frequently become merchants or mercenaries for the lesser blessed, taking the chance to go on their Primary Expedition alongside someone else who can help them with demanding travel tasks.
Quillian Attributes: +1 AGI, +1 INT, -1 DEF, -1 STR
Natural Anomalies: Wings, Feather Growth
Astral Core Intensity: 2
Quillian (Quil-e-un) Astrali were the fifth to fall, the last of the natural Astrali to find their way to Stellagos. They are the weakest subspecies of the Astrali, thanks to their fragile bones and thin skin that grant them their quick flight abilities. Despite this
setback, they are the only Astrali to be able to tame the harsh landscapes of the Silverfalcon Caps to create the city of Freymoor. Though they are decent conversationalists, they often hold themselves to a higher standard than the rest of the Astrali and speak with a more dignified tone, thinking they are higher than the other subspecies in both knowledge and ability, thanks to the position of The First Quillian Astrali Kairdar Elthyra as the founder of Freymoor and her wealth of knowledge locked away in Nebula's Reach. They often believe that their innate intelligence comes from the extra love that the goddess Emasis blessed them with, and they frequently pray to her over the other goddesses in their rituals.