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Radgar Mountains

With mountains that reach for the stars up to several thousand feet in the air, the Radgar Mountains are a common tourist visit spot for those who love to rock climb and explore places that have never been seen before. With snow capped mountains that are made of hard rock and very little dirt, those who inhabit Radgar Mountains often survive mainly from the imports from surrounding cities and towns. Though those who thrive in the crystal caverns deep within the mountains themselves can survive off of mushroom and fungal growth.

On a mountain cap just outside of the entrance to Embercall is a flattened and decorated area that is often visited to ensure that no new Laminon Astrali Nova's have fallen into the cold and often confusing mountain range that they call their common fall point.

Major City

Nestled deep in the mountain caves and guarding the only safe path to the frozen tundra is the city of Embercall, inhabited majorly by Laminon Astrali.


There are no recorded settlements.


There are no recorded landmarks.

radgar_mountains.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/25 23:48 by pallet