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In most tales told to young Nova's, the Prismhawk is the eye of Zenta who whisper the deeds of the young ones to their caregivers should they misbehave or do something unkindly. However, beyond the belief that they are a creation of Zenta, these aerial predators often are more curious of the world around them than reporting misdeeds to older Stellaborn.
The Prismhawk has been assumed to have existed for nearly 200 years, with the first discovery being reported in 107 AL. They are naturally curious yet cautious creatures that usually keep to themselves in the Silverfalcon Caps, however some have started to venture farther from their natural home and even take the company of Stellaborn.
Those who have been lucky enough to claim a Prismhawk as a Roamkin have spoken of their intelligence and innately keen eyesight, with both helping their owner in various daily tasks.
In order to survive in their naturally frozen environments in the Silverfalcon Caps, Prismhawks are gifted with thick yet versatile feathers that help keep out the freezing rain and snow. These feathers not only provide a natural weather coat but allow for a level of warmth rarely seen on other avian in Stellagos, as they hold some of the highest natural temperatures of the continent. Their internal temperature regularly sits at nearly 140°F (60°C) to both protect them in the cold and also to keep their prismatic flames burning.
Often only visible above their Star Glass crests, the tip of their tail, and the tips of their primary feathers, all Prismhawk have eternally burning prismatic flames that indicate their health and their magical prowess. These prismatic flames almost instantly burn through the fur of any Stellaborn, though those trained and experienced with Prismhawks have been able to find ways to care for the raptors without hurting themselves. In order to keep a prismatic flame healthy on a Prismhawk, they need to constantly feed and stay above their resting temperatures.
Despite being a creature of the stars that have Astral Cores, their internal workings are slightly different than that of the Stellaborn. Most believe that this is because it was Zenta alone who created them, though the true origin has yet to be discovered. What has been noted is that their cores come only in three colors: Lilac, Verdant, and Scarlet. These cores cannot be altered by way of Chronovelour. They are also not the main source of energy supply that keeps a Prismhawk alive, considering that they still need to eat. They often feed on small fish, vermin, and the occasional fruit.
Species Research
Thanks to the diligent work of researchers at Nebula's Reach in Freymoor, the following information has been recorded for Prismhawks.
Creation: Zenta
Origin: Starborn, Silverfalcon Caps
Flair: Exceptional Eyesight
Lifespan: 50 to 100 Years
Height Range: 8in (20cm) to 16in (41cm)
Diet: Small Fish/Game, Vermin, Fruit
Star Cycle Information: After falling from the stars and landing among the Silverfalcon Caps, Prismhawks hatch from a ball of star glass into Prismhawk hatchlings. With their Astral Core pre-destined for them when they fell, their prismatic flames and core instantly represent their subspecies after hatching. These young Prismhawks are considered 'small fluffy terrors' by the researchers who spent time collecting Prismhawk eggs and raising them from their first pip in the thin star glass. At this stage, they often like to get into everything and run even hotter than their fully grown counterparts, making them nearly impossible to handle without industrial-grade heat-resistant gloves. Their innately curious nature is only intensified at this stage of their Star Cycle, which means that nothing around them is safe until they reach their second year of life. At this point, they have molted mostly all of their protective feathers that kept them warm and safe during their most vulnerable period alongside their nearly inconceivable hatchling temperatures. Their curiosity is still intense at this stage, however their intelligence and willingness to learn becomes more apparent as they begin listening to their owners. If there is a strong connection between a Prismhawk and a Stellaborn, it is most commonly at this stage that they will become bonded. The length of training a young Prismhawk varies, though once they have been adequately trained and have learned to respect the Stellaborn they have bonded with they are a loyal companion with a desire to help their companion until the end. When a Prismhawk finishes their Star Cycle, they often try to find a spot away from their Stellaborn to avoid causing them heartache of watching their cycle end, but will leave behind a pile of Stardust for those who need to grieve or a memory to remember them by.
Additional Research: All Prismhawks seem to follow the same natural patterning after falling, as shown in the research images provided below. However, this natural patterning can be altered with the use of a Spectreat to follow the will and desire of either the Prismhawk or its bonded, and research has concluded that following the consumption of a Spectreat allows them to change color and pattern at will. The Spectreat's power does not apply to their prismatic flame or Astral Core.
Subspecies: There are three different types of Prismhawk: Lilac, Verdant, and Scarlet. Zenta's purpose for differentiating the Prismhawk into these different variations is unknown beyond their apparent diets.
Each variation of Prismhawks has a different boon that assists their owner and/or bonded on their daily adventures, however dedicated research has found that only two Prismhawk can be bound to a single Stellaborn at a time. This is mostly due to jealousy found between the raptors and the owner's attention, and has led to disastrous injuries on any Prismhawk who tries to disrupt the balance.
Bonded Boon: +1 Additional Item in ONE instance of Agility (AGI) Based Tasks.
Energy Charge: One (1) per week.
Roamkin Card Variations: Natural Card & Spectrum Charged Card
Stardust Intensity: 1
Lilac (Lie-lack) Prismhawks are the most common raptor companion to be found in the Silverfalcon Caps,
usually speeding around the icy peaks and marble buildings and being unashamed of their interest in the other creatures on the continent. They are unafraid of those larger than them mainly due to their ability to quickly retreat should they believe harm will come to them. Their speed often makes them helpful and common companion of the Quillian Astrali, able to keep pace and height with the winged subspecies unlike most other companion species on Kunvadis. Their preferred food is usually fruits from the gardens and greenhouses that they are able to sneak their way into, with iceberries usually being their favorite.
Bonded Boon: +1 Additional Item in ONE instance of Intelligence (INT) Based Tasks.
Energy Charge: One (1) per week.
Roamkin Card Variations: Natural Card & Spectrum Charged Card
Stardust Intensity: 2
Verdant (Vur-dent) Prismhawks prefer to keep their distance from the unknown,
though they never stray too far because of the intensity of their curiosity. Their common sense often keeps them in the distance and away from whatever harm that could befall them because of their overpowering nature, but their desire to learn far outweighs the desire to stay away entirely. They can often be found in the treetops or the shadows of structures as they watch whatever has caught their interest at the time. Only those that the Verdant deem intelligently 'worthy' enough often become their bonded, though they have been known to be swayed even by the temptation of freshly caught fish. This temptation of the predator has led to many fishermen calling these Prismhawk their companions, for not only the company but their keen eye of the best fishing spots.
Bonded Boon: +1 Additional Item in ONE instance of Strength (STR) Based Tasks.
Energy Charge: One (1) per week.
Roamkin Card Variations: Natural Card & Spectrum Charged Card
Stardust Intensity: 3
Scarlet (Scar-let) Prismhawks are the most reclusive of all of the Prismhawk variations.
They often hide away in the darkest recesses and alcoves of the mountains that surge over Stellagos, with only the bravest Stellaborn being able to catch a glimpse of these red-breasted raptors. Despite their naturally skittish nature, miners who have found their way too far in a cave or injured themselves while in the throws of work have reported often awakening to the heat of a Scarlet Prismhawk nestled in their laps, keeping them warm and watching for any danger in the dark beyond. Upon realizing that the Stellaborn has waken, most Scarlet's return to their reclusive lifestyle, some decide to stay or further assist their found companion away from the danger's of the underground. They primarily hunt the small vermin and prey of the cave systems or their entrances.