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Design and Masterlist Updates


Please ensure that you have read all of the rules in Section 2: Content Policies and Section 3: Character Ownership Etiquette, specifically 3.6 The Conversion of Personal Characters into Stellaborn, Voiding, & Redesigns.

Starlight Commons reserves the right to decline and remove any and all images, approvals, and design logs pertaining to Design Approvals for any reason at any time. All Design Approvals must follow all Starlight Commons rules.

7.1 Design Approval in the ARPG

Players can apply as many Design Approvals as they want to their Stellaborn with the proper items, allowing them to mix visual modifiers and design changes to make characters however they would like. See 5.4 Visual Modifiers for more details on how visual modifiers affect the Design Approval system. Once a design is approved and added to the masterlist of the Stellaborn, it will be featured in an additional tab as a previously approved design that can be used anywhere, anytime in the ARPG. This means that players can have multiple approved designs that can be used interchangeably once they are unlocked, approved, and added to the masterlist.

Example: Seasonal Markings, Simpler Markings, etc.

7.2 Removing/Hiding/Changing Approved Designs

Designs featured in the Approved Designs tab on the Stellaborn's masterlist cannot be removed or hidden as of 7/13/2024, but can have the artwork updated if requested at General Support. All designs that have been approved and added to the Approved Designs tab cannot be deleted from the character as this design now fully belongs to the Stellaborn. Users agree to this whenever they submit art for Design Approval.

7.3 Design Approval Abuse

Due to the nature of Design Approval, it is subject to abuse. See 4.2a Disciplinary Removal of Privilege and 4.3 Denials, Warnings, Strikes, and Ban Systems for more details on major infraction bans and privileges.

Starlight Commons reserves the right to remove Design Approval Privileges if users do not follow all of the Rules. Starlight Commons recognizes the abuse of the Design Approval system as a major infraction. Players may receive a permanent ban from the Design Approval service depending on the intent, content, and severity of the abuse. To report abuse in Design Approval, visit our Service Desk.

Examples of Abusing the Design Approval Service:
- Using Design Approval to heavily copy, reference, or steal designs. (See Rule 7.4a for more information)
- Using Design Approval to copy a copyrighted character. (See Rule 3.7 for more information)
- Submitting a Design Approval intentionally mimicking someone's style with the intent to harm. (See Rule 4.3 for more information)
- Submitting a Design Approval with designs with markings that sexualize the design. Ex. Adding markings that resemble mammaries or other genitalia. (See Rule 2.2 for more information)
- Submitting Artwork to Design Approval that you do not have permission to use. (See 7.4a for more information)
- Harassing or Guilt-Tripping the approving admin. (See Rule 4.3 for more information)
- Spamming the approval chain with unrelated submissions. (See Rule 4.1 for more information)

7.4 Design Approval Abuse

7.4a Unauthorized Artwork or Designs in Design Approval

Visit our Service Desk if you are the original artist and someone has posted, used your art, or heavily referenced your artwork or design in Design Approval without explicit permission. After reporting a user, please discontinue all interactions with them and allow an admin to act as your liaison. Unauthorized Art and/or Design in Design Approval usually results in a ban from the service or a full ARPG ban, depending on the incident.

7.4b Design Approval Ban Evasion

Starlight Commons uses temporary and full bans from Design Approvals to enforce our rules. See 4.2a Disciplinary Removal of Privilege and 4.3 Denials, Warnings, Strikes, and Ban Systems for more details on major infraction bans and privileges. Users who create new accounts or use other's to circumvent Design Approval bans will receive a full account ban. Users aiding in ban evasion may also receive a warning or permanent ban depending on the intent, content, and severity.

Please do not participate in agreements to receive characters from other users to submit Design Approvals for them. In some cases, these users are committing ban evasion to avoid particular limitations on their accounts. If a user asks you to submit a Design Approval for them, report them to the Service Desk.

7.5 Submitting Character Art to the Starlight Commons Masterlist

When submitting art to the masterlist, please ensure that you have asked and received permission from the artist and that the art follows our Terms and Conditions and Rules before uploading the art.

Submission Rules:
- Art must maintain a PG-13 rating.
- Fullbody art is required; no busts are allowed.
- Art must be colored.
- Masterlist art can accomodate up to two drawings to showcase back/front views or with/without accessories.
- Masterlist art should not be a full reference sheet. (Permitted Inclusions are: Tools, Gear and/or Forms, Anomalies, or Astral Cores that are unlocked.)
- Backgrounds or additional Stellaborn are not permitted on Masterlist art.

Disclaimer: In no way does Starlight Commons claim ownership of images uploaded by its members. Copyright of any works uploaded to the Starlight Commons Masterlist belongs solely to the original artists. Please ensure all artwork posted is with proper permission and properly sourced. If artwork is found to have been wrongfully sourced or Starlight Commons is asked to remove the image(s), they will be removed without notification. If you have any more questions, please visit our Service Desk.

design_and_masterlist_updates.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/26 19:19 by pallet