Table of Contents
General Support
Masterlist Information & Inventory/Bank Errors
If you have found any of the following, please fill out the listed form and comment here.
- Errors
- Typos
- Missing Items
- Masterlist Errors
Username Changes/Updates
If you wish to change or update your username, please fill out the listed form and comment here.
- Username Errors
- Username Change
- Secondary Account Addition
Approved Design Art Exchanges
If you wish to update the art of an Approved Design, please fill out the listed form and comment here.
- Users can only exchange artworks featured on the Approved Design tab on the Stellaborn's masterlist.
- This is not for applying new designs. If you wish to apply a new design, visit Greener Pastures Salon & Realty.
- Once the updated art image is applied, they are not removed from our records, even if exchanged.
- The new artwork must match the previous design exactly to be exchanged.