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Art Rules

5.1 Fullbody Rule

Starlight Commons constitutes a 'fullbody' drawing of a Stellaborn when most of the character is visible, with most of nearly all limbs showing. This rule is in place to ensure that users drawing their characters for tasks are all drawing the same amount of a Stellaborn to create an even playing field that is not based on skill. This rule also helps moderators easily identify a Stellaborn when they are approving different tasks.

Fullbody Criteria:
- The head and torso must be visible.
- The heads, arms, legs, tails, and wings all count as limbs. To count as a fullbody, at least three of them must be clearly visible.
- The very tips of toes, fingers, or tails can be cut off without breaking the fullbody rule, but cutting too much off could result in a denial.
- If a character is missing a limb or a limb is covered by an accessory or hair and it is shown on the Masterlist, it will still count as a limb for approval.

5.2 Backgrounds

Every background submitted to any kind of task will need to have some level of detail to them to prevent the use of solid blocks of color or textured images for background bonuses.

These rules are in place to ensure that all submission pieces maintain a level of completion that is meant to equalize the playing field for all users without judging art on based on skill.

The following background types do not meet approval criteria:
- Backgrounds consisting of a single solid color.
- Patterned backgrounds.
- Photographed backgrounds.
- Backgrounds that are traced or directly copied from media, photography, or other artists.

Background Requirements:
- The inclusion of color that helps place the location.
- The presence of a horizon line to help distinguish between the sky and the ground.
- At least three background elements that help give detail to the background instead of only placing the character in a space.

5.2a Background Elements

To be considered a proper element for the background, the object added must be more than a blob of color a simple line. If your element(s) cannot be discerned, the task submission may be declined. If you are unsure, it is recommended to add more elements for safety rather than submit to make it easier on you and the approving moderator.

Acceptable Background Elements Include, but are not limited to:
- Flora elements such as flowers, bushes, and trees that have depth, and are not just blobs of color.
- Rocks and stones that are more than just a blob of color.
- Any kind of landmark (Stellaborn made or natural), such as buildings, statues, signs, doors, windows, and artifacts.
- Objects, tools, or weapons.
- Other Stellaborn.

The following are not recognized as distinct Background Elements:
- Unrecognizable blobs of color that have no shape.
- Roads
- Any kind of celestial body or sky related detail.
- The differentiation of foreground, middleground, and background.
- Any kind of texture brushes.
- Stellaborn accessories like clothing or jewelry that they are wearing.

5.3 Visual Modifiers

If a Stellaborn participates in official tasks and design approval, visual modifiers (Anomalies or Astral Core Colors) must be unlocked on the Masterlist to be approved if they are present in the art. If users draw characters using visual modifiers that are not unlocked yet, their submission may be declined.

5.4 Asset Recycling & Tracing

Reusing assets and tracing any kind of art can be considered cheating, which is detailed more in the 4.10 Cheating of Section 4: Community Behavior. This rule can extend to background elements if they are required for a task.

Examples of Unusable Recyclable Assets:
- Users cannot make background element assets (ex. trees, flowers, rocks) and reuse them in multiple tasks.
- Users cannot make Starlight Commons ARPG item assets (ex. a fuseberry, a choronovelour, an astral meteorite) and reuse them for multiple tasks.
- Users cannot make Stellaborn bases to reuse in official task artwork.

5.5 Approvable Design Changes for Tasks

Starlight Commons allows minor modifications of a design to make it easier to draw if the design is complicated or difficult to pin down the same exact way every single time, so long as the overall look remains consistent with only slight alterations.

5.5a Markings

Markings do not have to be drawn perfectly identical to the original art, though their placement should still be visually similar to their original markings. Task changes must maintain markings in roughly the same area, and markings cannot be removed for task approval.

5.5b Color/Hue Shifting

Sometimes in art, the time of day or the amount of shading on a piece may change the original colors of a design. This sort of color shift is allowed as long as it makes sense to the lighting of the situation and alters all of the colors instead of only a few.

Shifting or changing colors for no reason that can be pointed out and explained is not allowed. If you wish to change colors that drastically on a design, they must go through design approval.

art_rules.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 15:19 by pallet