Zissel Feralstride
Zissel Feralstride has worked hard to get herself to where she is now, starting from a freshly fallen Nova that worked in the roots of Ophithana alongside her found family to growing past their hardships to the higher limbs of the Great Tree as a respected battle trainer. Now she spends most of her time working at her private practice hall with students who have traveled all over Stellagos just to see *her*, instead of the history her family shared.
This Beastion Astrali's past is riddled in shadow and the unknown, mostly thanks to her own vow of silence and the hasty dismissal of any questions regarding it. She has no interest in returning to a time that caused her name and family harsh tidings, and believes that her future is one she builds herself instead of what her family built for her.
When she's training at her large hut in Ophithana, she is only Zissel, and no one else. She has trained for years in the practice of her physical abilities instead of magical ones, with her prowess only intensified as she trains young Astrali to do the same.
“You here to throw some fists in the ring?”
Name: Zissel Feralstride
Species: Astrali
Subspecies: Beastion
Fallday: Aug 16, 52 AL
Location: Ophithana
Occupation: Battle Trainer
Magic: Dark Magic - Forcefully Dormant
Favorite Meal: Any Protein & Spring Water