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Named after its believed origin in the Leviathan's Abyss, the Hudoviathan is a creature not to be taken lightly. Its ability to control water and create inescapable whirlpools is a formidable challenge. Hudoviathan ReferenceTaking down a Hudoviathan is not just difficult, it's excessively so, although not impossible.

It's a rare sight to see a Hudoviathan venture beyond the borders of Whirlpool Harbor, a testament to the strength and willpower of the Cetun Astrali warriors. Their mastery of tactics to take down or divert these creatures has kept most of them at bay. However, it's believed that a few have managed to slip into places like the Bottomless Depths, a reminder of the challenges of protecting such a vast body of water.

If a Hudoviathan is encountered in the wild, the best course of action is to avoid it at all costs or flee if possible. Engaging in a fight with this creature is not recommended. However, if a confrontation is inevitable, the best strategy is to weaken the creature's body movements with items until escape is possible. The only known method to permanently eliminate a Hudoviathan is to use elemental magic to boil its essence.

Species Research

Thanks to the diligent work of various Astrali researchers on Stellagos, the following has been found on the Hudoviathan.

Creation: Unknown
Origin: Leviathan's Abyss
Flair: Elemental Strength
Lifespan: Unknown
Height Range: 20ft (610cm) to 50ft (1524cm) at the shoulder (Estimated)
Diet: None (It is not believed that a Hudoviathan needs to eat to sustain itself, as long as it is in a body of water.)

hudoviathan.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/01 14:33 by pallet