The Unholy Tomb
Though there are no listed marks of remains or Pulsarian Blooms in nor around the tomb, researchers have listed their research here as the 'the death of light'. Unnatural black shadows and darkness overwhelm any who enter its archways, and the Artificial Astrali who have entered it have noted to others that there is a constant thrum of energy in the darkness that only they can feel.
Since its darkness seems to only affect the Artificial Astrali, most other Astrali have written off the stone pyramid temple as an unholy and cursed location where Odum has power and a window into their world.
This theory is currently unproven, though it is rumored that a research group has descended deep into its depths and has yet to return.
the_unholy_tomb.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/19 23:02 by pallet