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Advanced Support

Welcome to Advanced Support, where we are here to help with the tougher situations that can not be handled with a simple form. If you need to contact someone about any of the below situations, please message the Starlight-Commons account on the social platform you have associated with your user from the list in 1.1 Starlight Commons Rules.

Report Users

If you are experiencing a severe issue with another member, believe you are being scammed, or are facing harassment, please notify the Starlight-Commons account as soon as possible.

Before you make a report, please ensure you have read all of our Rules to make sure that the user is breaking a rule and to remind yourself that the Starlight-Commons account(s) can not be contacted by anonymous accounts. Address any concerns over this account, as any messages to moderators or the owner will be forwarded to it.

When you decide to make your report, please include all relevant information and screenshots if applicable. Do not hesitate to make reports, but please note that Starlight Commons is not a company and can not guarantee the resolution of all issues, especially when it is beyond our control.

Art cannot be hosted on the Starlight Commons Masterlist without the original artist's permission. If you are the original artist and your art is hosted on the masterlist without your permission, it will be removed immediately once we are notified.

advanced_support.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/13 22:41 by pallet