Table of Contents
Novites are little creatures that often are the size of a hand or a palm that are littered all throughout Kunvadis. Most are friendly and enjoy being little pets or friends to Stellaborn.
Physical Novites
Physical Novites often form from physical items around them and are little creatures that use the items as a shell of sorts. They are often the kindest and most helpful of all the Novites. Below are a list of researched Physical Novites:
Celestial Novites
Celestial Novites are more curious and tricky than their Physical counterparts. Often popping up during specific celestial cycles, these Novites are known to get in trouble or stay overly attached to their owners. Below are a list of researched Celestial Novites:
novites.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/06 17:11 by pallet