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Discord Policies


Welcome to the Starlight Commons Discord! We welcome everyone to participate in our public chatrooms where you can talk about your Stellaborn, socialize, share art and generally have a good time with light-hearted conversations. If you enjoy discussing serious topics, debating, or generally being pessimistic in a public space, the Starlight Commons may not be the right server for you. While our Discord is intended to be a fun and friendly place, Starlight Commons is not responsible for the actions of individual members and has no control over users' private interactions. All users who decide to join and participate in the Starlight Commons Discord must strictly adhere to all of the rules of the species as well as what this guideline establishes while partaking in our Discord.

8.1 General Rules

Do not ping the admin for fun or for attention unless it is an emergency. Please do not personally direct message (DM) our admin with questions, but instead direct your questions to our Service Desk.

- All of Starlight Commons Rules apply to all the Starlight Commons Discord channels.
- Members must be a member of our Toyhouse World OR DeviantArt Group to join.
- Members must be 13 years or older to participate in this server. Joining while underaged will result in a Full-Account Ban.
- This is an English server. English must be spoken at all times.
- If another member or admin requests a topic change, it must be respected. Ignoring anyone about a topic change can result in a 24-hour kick or a Permanent Discord Ban depending on the intent, content, and severity.

8.2 Unacceptable Content

Each channel may have specific rules for posting in that channel, and they will be listed in the channel's title card or a pin if there are additional rules. If content does not abide by those or any rules listed in Rules, it will be removed without notification.
- Please see Section 2: Content Policy for all acceptable content.
- Adult content in any form is prohibited in any channel.
- Negative content and discussions are prohibited in every channel.
- Discussing Closed Species or Species other than Stellaborn are prohibited in every channel.

8.2a Filtering

The Starlight Commons Discord Server has a swearing filter implemented. Depending on the severity and intent, attempts to circumvent the bot may result in a 24-hour kick or a permanent Discord ban.

8.2b Sensitive Content

Please reference Section 2: Content Policy as this section is the condensed version. Religion, politics, self-harm, and/or gore/medical practicies will not be discussed at length. These topics are sensitive, and for the sake of others, we ask you to refer to them only in passing. Inappropriate posts will be deleted without warning. Do NOT discuss sexually explicit tpoics or make racist, homophobic, or transphobic comments. We welcome everyone and will not tolerate bigotry; users who make intolerant statements will receive a Full-Account Ban.

8.4 Conduct

Please look at Section 4: Community Behavior for all acceptable conduct, as this is a condensed version.

8.4a Spamming

Spam is not allowed. Spam includes, but is not limited to, posting repetitive text, posting many images at once, or many links that contribute nothing of value to a conversation. It also applies to repeating the same content repeatedly in a short period.

8.4b Warnings, Strikes, and Kicks vs Bans

The Starlight Commons Discord uses the same warning and strike system it uses for the ARPG for Discord Privilege infractions. For a full explanation of how privileges and discipline are determined, please look at rules 4.2a Disciplinary Removal of Privilege and 4.3 Denials, Warnings, Strikes, and Ban Systems.

In specifics, Kicks are only used in the Discord. The difference between a kick and a ban in the Discord is significant, as an admin may choose to kick users out of the server for a while to give the user time to calm down. Kicks are not warnings or strikes unless specifically mentioned by an admin. Admin reserve the right to distribute warnings, strikes, or bans depending on the intent and severity of the situation. The terms of the discipline will be indicated in the message sent by the admin.

Access to the Starlight Commons Discord server is a privilege, not a right, and Starlight Commons reserves the right to bar any user from the Discord because it is a non-essential service to participate in the ARPG. Starlight Commons Discord privileges are independent from all other ARPG privileges. Starlight Commons Discord strikes do not affect your standing in the ARPG unless the infraction is serious.

It can take up to 24 hours or more to receive a notice of a ban or a kick, as the Starlight Commons team is tiny.

How to Appeal Bans: Read Rule 4.4 Ban Etiquette | Appeals.

Discord-Specific Strike Discipline:
- Strike 1: 24-Hour Kick or Ban.
- Strike 2 (Repeating Rule Breaks): Warning, or a One Week Ban.
- Strike 3 (Repeating Rule Breaks): Permanent Discord Ban.

8.4c Reporting Suspicious Activity and/or Inappropriate Behavior

Members should read Section 4: Community Behavior in conjunction with this section to fully understand report etiquette and helpful resources on what our admin can do for you. Starlight Common's admins take the health of its Discord community very seriously. If a member encounters or sees other members violating any of our Discord or ARPG Rules, they should contact us at the Service Desk immediately. Discord specifically is a seperate privilege because we try our best to enable everyone to play the ARPG, however we do not allow users to have an endless platform to harm others. If you are being bullied in the Starlight Commons Discord or receiving inappropriate messages from another user, contact the Service Desk immediately. We have a ZERO tolerance harassment policy and a ZERO tolerance policy on NSFW [18+] content.

8.5 Derogatory Speech and Harassment

Any negativity towards any person, admin, occupation, or topic posted in the Starlight Commons Discord will not be tolerated. The environment of this Discord is light-hearted, and general negativity in any form is unwelcome unless it is in passing. Admin and members are allowed to request topic changes in these situations, and extended negativity may result in a 24-hour kick or ban depending on the severity.

- Publicly explaining any negative experience with any person (even out of context).
- Speaking negatively about another's artwork, other CS, or person(s) (even out of context).
- Begging for art, items, or characters.
- Spreading rumors about other members.
- Guilt Tripping and/or Gaslighting (See Rule 8.5a for more information).

8.5a General Guilt Tripping, Gaslighting, and Unacceptable Anti-Social Behavior

- Saying or showing screenshots of being declined or receiving disciplinary punishment for X reason in any channel after receiving discipline.
- Talking about pending approvals repeatedly in any channel after submission, as this effectively rushes the admin.
- Talking significantly negatively about yourself to garner public sympathy, regardless of if this is the intent. Ex: “Of course I got in trouble, everyone hates me.”
- Lashing against other members or admin for explaining the rules.
- Acting gloomy and/or depressed in any channel for extended periods of time for any reason.
- Getting upset after not being chosen as a winner of prizes, characters, items, or opportunities. Ex: “I never win anything.” or “That person won again? This game is rigged.”
- Saying any member(s) should not be able to participate in the ARPG in any way.
- Complaining about any topic to the point it becomes uncomfortable (See Rule 8.5b for more information).

8.5b Soap Boxing, Inciting Scenes, and Feedback

Since Starlight Commons is open during its beta, anything can change at any time. Please take a look at our Mission Statement for more details on our goals before giving feedback, as we are very clear on our direction. Starlight Commons provides a private Feedback & Suggestions form at our Service Desk so users can safely express their feelings without worrying about censoring themselves. Starlight Commons, however, does not provide an open forum in the Starlight Commons Discord server for users to post critical feedback because it provides a dangerous environment for our members and our admin. This is not an attempt to censor our members or their feelings, but is a necessary rule placed from negative experiences. Members can express their frustrations about Starlight Commons on personal social media accounts, private servers, and with friends if they so wish.

Starlight Commons supports members' rights to express themselves freely as we do not believe in censorship, we simply ask that members utilize the Feedback & Suggestions form at the Service Desk. Every piece of feedback is read and noted for future knowledge or implimentation. Our admin understand that this can be emotionally difficult to be unable to vent in a Discord, however it is better from experience that these suggestions and feedback are handled privately. Members are effectively NOT giving feedback if they decide to ignore this and provide feed back in the Starlight Commons Discord anyways. It is unlikely to be seen, and it will not be logged in the proper location for review and potential implementation. The only result of this behavior is an uncomfortable chatroom, which is the most unfair to members who see the Discord as a safe space. Discord members are encouraged to tell other members to use the official Feedback & Suggestion form at the Service Desk.

To further clarify, the Starlight Commons Discord does not welcome negativity in any channel for any reason, and will not tolerate users who pressure others or admin who are trying to maintain the light-hearted environment of this chat to allow them to be disgruntled and hostile in a Discord where that is strictly prohibited. Any user who uses the Starlight Commons Discord as a platform for heated debates about ARPG updates, desired features, or as a space to be generally disgruntled, disruptive, abusive, aggressive, or generally unpleasant will have their privileges removed indefinitely. Heated discourse about features in #the-plaza will likely result in a strike or ban. Members will only receive one strike, and if there is ever a second incident, they will be banned. These bans are uncontestable in appeals if the incident results in a ban.

Soapboxing Specific Strike Discipline:
- Strike 1: A warning and a 1-Month Kick from the Server.
- Strike 2: An indefinite, non-contestable permanent Discord ban.

8.6 Spoilers

General Spoilers: Spoilers are never fun. Do not spoil TV, books, films, or games for other users in the Discord without applying a spoiler and providing a content warning. Visit Discord's Official Tutorial on how to “spoiler” content in the application.

Starlight Commons Spoilers: In some Events, there may be hidden items or scavenger hunts that can be found and followed for rewards. Do not spoil these trails in any channel, as any who do will receive a permanent Discord ban that are non-contestable in appeals.

Sharing external servers in the Starlight Commons Discord is not allowed. Additionally, if any external links are deemed inappropriate and shared in the Starlight Commons Discord server, it could result in a 24-hour kick or Full-Account Ban, depending on the content, intent, and severity.

8.8 Starlight Market Category

Starlight Commons monitors and hosts a Discord category titled 'Starlight Market' as a moderated space for users to buy, trade, and sell art, items, and/or characters. However due to the size of our team and our desire to keep the space orderly and safe, we do NOT allow users to post any ads that are not 100% Starlight Commons related. We understand that this is strict, but we are unable to moderate or monitor the rules of other species and artists. This strict stipulation is to ensure the market space can be consistently managed. We do this specifically so Starlight Commons is not enabling Terms of Service abuses of other communities without our knowledge. Abuse of any channel in the 'Starlight Market' category can result in a permanent ban from the advertising channels. Access to the 'Starlight Market' category is a privilege, not a right. Starlight Commons reserves the right to bar any user from using these channels because it is a non-essential service to participate in the ARPG.

8.8a Starlight Market Category Disciplinary System

The 'Starlight Market' Discord Category has its own disciplinary three strike system. This category's privileges are independent from all other ARPG privileges. Starlight Market Category strikes DO NOT affect your standing in the world, ARPG, or Discord. However, users banned from the Starlight Market Category can never regain this privilege as these bans are not contestable in appeals. Please refer to rule 4.2a Disciplinary Removal of Privilege for more details on our privileges policy and how privileges are defined.

Starlight Market Strike System:
Strikes reset to 0 at the beginning of each calendar year. Users can receive up to two strikes; the third incident will result in a permanent ban from the market channels #art-gallery, #stellian-exchange & #item-bazaar.

Advertising After Starlight Market Privileges Removal:
If users have lost market channel privileges and are seen advertising in other areas of the Discord server, the user will receive a permanent ban from the Starlight Commons Discord entirely. These bans are not contestable in appeals.

Starlight Marking Strike Discipline:
Strike 1: Warning
Strike 2: Final Warning alongside a temporary kick from the server.
Strike 3: Loss of privilege to use the market channels.

8.8b Starlight Market Category Ad Policy

Daily Total: Advertisements cannot be posted more than three (3) times in #art-gallery, #stellian-exchange or #item-bazaar each within 24 hours. Max Lines: Advertisements must be written within a max of 11 lines.

Acceptable Advertisement Length:
Advertisements over 11 lines are considered spam. The 11 lines include line breaks, empty spaces, and emojis to space out the post visually. Lengthy posts will be deleted as spam, the user will be notified, and the infraction will not be recorded against the user's Starlight Market Category privileges unless the rule is repeatedly broken within a short period of time.

Cross-Posting Advertisement:
Members cannot cross-post ads in either market channel, and those that do will receive market strikes. Members must separate their advertisements to match the channel's classification. Members cannot advertise any given Item, Stellaborn, or commission work more than three (3) times a day.

No Closed Species [CS] Policy:
All advertisements must be 100% Starlight Commons related; they can feature no other Closed Species characters or content of any kind. This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Seeking trades
- Links directing back to other species/Closed Species [CS]
- Other species/Closed Species [CS] mentioned or visible in the advertisement
- Artwork of other species/Closed Species [CS]

Acceptable Advertisement Content:
- Advertisements offering one-off original characters.
- Advertisements offering Starlight Commons currency, items, commissions, and/or trades.
- Advertisements seeking three-way trades for other user's advertisements in the Starlight Commons Discord.

Unacceptable Advertisement Content:
- Advertisements posted more than the daily limits of three times a day.
- Splitting advertisements or cross-posting advertisements to circumvent channel limits.
- Posting advertisements that cross the line max (11) with unnecessary spacing and/or emotes.
- Advertisements that feature negative rants and/or text. (These will be instantly removed.)
- Advertisements posted more than three times in one channel in 24 hours.
- Advertisements that link back to NSFW [18+] content.

discord_policies.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/31 18:37 by pallet