Table of Contents

Are you looking for something to do or need to find where things are in one convenient location? Welcome to the Navigation Hub where this page is intended to do just that.

Below is a list of pages available that will link to and explain the different kinds of tasks and opportunities that are available to complete or do.


Tasks are compiled of several different categories that do different things for your character.

By completing expeditions, your Stellaborn will be able to gain access to other tasks and gain helpful rewards.

By completing missions, you are able to train your Character Attributes.

By completing activities, you can collect different kinds of materials used in crafting or collecting.

By completing events, big rewards and Kunvadis lore can be unlocked. These are limited-time tasks that are released with an announcement.

Mythic Courses
By completing Mythic Courses, you can gain rewards and bonuses for your Stellaborn that involve magic.


Crafting Center
If you're looking for different items to help you boost your journey, why not try crafting them?

The Saddlery Shop
Need something for crafting or want to buy something else? Come visit us!

Critter Korner
Visit Critter Korner today to bring home a new friend or buy something for your Roamkin!

Obsidian Bank
Want to check your personal bank or move things around? Visit the Obsidian Bank today.

Greener Pastures Salon & Realty
Are you looking to move on or change your look? (Character Transfers & Masterlist Updates)