=====Midafait Peninsula===== A separated piece of [[The Primeval Wild]], the Midafait Peninsula has become a an important location to the Beastion [[Astrali]] and [[Ophithana]] as well as traveling [[Magic|Mythics]] in training. With terrain that spans similarities from the entire continent and lush jungles that are often used as part of a Beastion [[Astrali|Astrali's]] coming of age ceremony before they leave for their [[Primary Expedition]], it is an ideal location for any traveling trainee. Though magic users usually visit for [[Summoner's Rest]] and the connection their magical cores have with the unstable location. Despite being welcoming to visitors, its distance from the main continent makes it difficult for most to decide to settle here. -------- ====Towns==== //There are no recorded settlements.// -------- ====Landmarks==== [[Ashenhollow]] \\ //The remains of a settlement that tried, and failed, to settle near [[Mount Onyx]].// [[Summoner's Rest]] \\ //Filled with wild magic and a strong connection to each of the magic types, this is often a bucket list visit for [[Magic|Mythics]].