=====Fishing Expedition===== Taking care of the land and its bounties has never interested you as much as what the lakes and oceans can provide, and you have always wanted to take a long trip out on a boat to spend the time harvesting its bounties instead. What's your favorite method of fishing? -------- ====Objective: Draw or write your Stellaborn fishing.==== **Participation Rules:** \\ - All Submissions must follow [[Art Rules|Section 5: Art Rules]]. \\ - All Submissions must follow [[Task Rules|Section 6: Task Rules]]. **Rewards:** \\ {{startoken.png?100|Star Token}} 50 [[Star Token|Star Tokens]] {{fishingtoken.png?100|Fishing Stamp}} [[Fishing Stamp]] {{fishingpole-tool.png?100|Fishing Rod}} [[Fishing Rod]] Submit your completed expedition to this comment: \\ **[[https://toyhou.se/~comments/36402142|Expedition Approval Comment]]**