=====Farming Expedition===== Sometimes the call of the land and its creatures is enough to put you at ease, and you want to immerse yourself further in the simple life. Whether you care for livestock or crops, the work you do is important for all of [[Kunvadis]] and your fellow [[Stellaborn]]. What is your farm's focus? -------- ====Objective: Draw or write your Stellaborn working on their farm.==== **Participation Rules:** \\ - All Submissions must follow [[Art Rules|Section 5: Art Rules]]. \\ - All Submissions must follow [[Task Rules|Section 6: Task Rules]]. **Rewards:** \\ {{startoken.png?100|Star Token}} 50 [[Star Token|Star Tokens]] {{farmingtoken.png?100|Farming Stamp}} [[Farming Stamp]] {{tiller-tool.png?100|Tiller}} [[Tiller]] Submit your completed expedition to this comment: \\ **[[https://toyhou.se/~comments/36402142|Expedition Approval Comment]]**