=====Character Attributes===== Every [[Stellaborn]] is born with attributes that can be trained in [[Missions]] or bolstered with official [[Armor]], [[Weapons]], [[Spells]], or [[Consumables]]. These stats can be used in [[Events]] and [[Activities]] to potentially find better rewards or outcomes. All characters in the Starlight Commons ARPG automatically start with one point in each stat. Every species and subtype has additional starting bonuses and deficits depending on their strengths and weaknesses, which are listed on their [[Stellaborn|species page]]. Each attribute has a maximum level of 25. This level can only be breached if they are wearing stat-boosting attire or if they have consumed a temporary stat-boosting item. There are five different attributes connected to a [[Stellaborn]]: Strength (STR), Agility (AGI), Defense (DEF), Intelligence (INT), and Charisma (CHA). ====Strength==== The Strength (STR) attribute directly relates to the physical strength or ability of a character. This stat will usually relate to physical tasks or combat. ====Agility==== The Agility (AGI) attribute measures the speed and maneuverability of a character. This stat will usually relate to tasks of speed, flexibility, balance, and overall dexterity. ====Defense==== The Defense (DEF) attribute helps combat or lessen the blow of physical attacks, but also the ability to be resistant to different kinds of attacks beyond the physical. ====Intelligence==== The Intelligence (INT) attribute measures the mental fortitude and intellect of a character. This stat is used in situations where thought, planning, perception, or deduction skills need to be used. ====Charisma==== The Charisma (CHA) attribute is critical when it comes to situations where communication is key. This stats affects the characters ability to persuade, intimidate, charm, or interrogate in any situation. -------- ====Level Bonuses==== The level bonuses for [[Activities]] and [[Events]] is as follows: **Attribute Levels 1-10:** +0 Attribute Bonuses \\ **Attribute Levels 11-15:** +1 Attribute Bonuses \\ **Attribute Levels 16-20:** +2 Attribute Bonuses \\ **Attribute Levels 21-25:** +3 Attribute Bonuses \\ **Attribute Levels 26+:** +4 Attribute Bonuses \\ //Note for 26+: This can only be achieved via temporary stat boosting items, or equipped [[Armor]] and/or [[Weapons]].//