=====Carpentry Expedition===== No matter if you have searched for a long time or a short one, you have found the perfect place to call home. Whether it has the views that you've dreamed of, the distance you've yearned for, or the community you've wanted, it is a blank canvas for you to make all yours. Are you building your home from scratch, or decorating one someone has already built before you? -------- ====Objective: Draw or write your Stellaborn making someplace their home.==== **Participation Rules:** \\ - All Submissions must follow [[Art Rules|Section 5: Art Rules]]. \\ - All Submissions must follow [[Task Rules|Section 6: Task Rules]]. **Rewards:** \\ {{startoken.png?100|Star Token}} 50 [[Star Token|Star Tokens]] {{carpentrytoken.png?100|Carpentry Stamp}} [[Carpentry Stamp]] Submit your completed expedition to this comment: \\ **[[https://toyhou.se/~comments/36402142|Expedition Approval Comment]]**